02 December 2022
MSC cruise ship anti-vibration system

Supply of soundproofing and damping elements at the Atlantic shipyard, Saint-Nazaire.

30 November 2022
Noise shielding

Supply and installation of anti-noise shielding for heat pumps at the Otosan headquarters in Forli.

15 November 2022
Arena design

Verification of the acoustic quality of an arena. Elebarozione of the response of the hall using software Ease.

05 September 2022
Anti-noise system for heat pumps in Bologna

Supply and installation of an anti-noise system in order to contain the sound immissions of technological systems.

29 April 2022
Acustic mapping of the city of Trieste

Preparatory monitoring for the acoustic mapping of the Municipality of Trieste. Remote control of the 20 control units installed for measuring the noise-traffic component.

16 February 2022
Monitoring of the construction site of the AV Line Frasso-Telese

Acoustic monitoring campaign at the high speed ​line construction site for doubling the Frasso Telesino - Vitulano section.

04 February 2022
Completed the installation of soundproof grilles in Trezzano

Noise reduction between 8 and 12 dBA and proper ventilation of the system.

18 August 2021
Acoustic barrier at the Cattolica Hospital

Completion of the NORUMORE sound-absorbing and sound-insulating barrier to screen the plant systems located on the roof of the Cattolica hospital.

Excellent results and great satisfaction.

07 May 2021
Soundproof booth at the Rimini Infermi Hospital

Excellent acoustic performance for our soundproof booth for the York system. Acoustic insulation higher than 25 dB with completely removable panels.

19 March 2021
Anti-vibration system for a lift

Vibrations are generated during the operation and stopping of a lift which are transmitted to living areas. Through the use of a tailor-made anti-vibration system it was possible to achieve a significant increase in comfort.

12 March 2021
Design and construction of a box for the yacht generator

An anti-noise system for reducing acoustic noise emissions from the Paguro 6500 generator. Multi-layer soundproofing structure and customised anti-vibration system.

20 January 2021
Vibro-acoustic monitoring SS652 ValleSangro

Presenting alongside the company DeSanctis for the acoustic monitoring of the construction site activities and the vibrational monitoring of the tunnel excavations. Continuing the construction of the SS652 Fondovalle Sangro in the section between Gamberale and the Civitaluparella stations

23 December 2020
In the City Council for the new "EX-GIL" Auditorium

Today we presented our acoustic project to the town council and the mayor for the new Auditorium in the city of Forlì. Great satisfaction and excellent acoustic performance was obtained through acoustic CAD simulations.

28 October 2020
Departure for the Atlantic shipyards

Onsite inspection on the new cruise ship MSC Virtuosa to test our anti-vibration and anti-noise system project constructed inside the theatre.

09 July 2020
Acoustic comfort of restaurants, bars

Have you ever experienced the unpleasant sensation during a meal in a restaurant where the background noise prevents a normal conversation? How many times do you say: " I don't understand anything, speak louder!"

12 February 2020
Present at the ISE fair in Amsterdam

Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) is the world's largest trade fair for audio-visual products and professional systems integration.
